The solution to the problem was to ensure that he had: -
<deploy-snapshot-using-https merge="replace">true</deploy-snapshot-using-https>
in 99Local.xml ( or, better still, the overriding 100Custom.xml ) on BOTH the Process Center and Process Server cells.
However, on the voyage of discovery, he realised that he could learn a LOT about the way that the process works by enabling JVM-level tracing.
The particular trace strings that made a difference were: -*
and: -
Nice :-)
Large-scale BPM initiatives are supported by technology. Business Process Management Software (BPMS) allows organizations to define their processes and manage the entire process lifecycle. It can store content related to individual tasks and publish it to the web for enterprise-wide access. Click here for more information on Interfacing’s BPM suite, the Enterprise Process Center® (EPC).